Tinkers' Construct - Tables of materials
Minecraft 1.7.10
Divine Journey
FTB Infinity Evolved
Tools and weapons
Bow strings
Arrow fletchings
Minecraft 1.12.2
Antimatter Chemistry
Tools and weapons
Arrow shafts
Arrow fletchings
Awakening - Sky of Diamonds
Tools and weapons
Bow strings
Arrow shafts
Arrow fletchings
Yoyos' bodies and axles
Yoyos' cords
Celestial Journey
Tools and weapons
Bow strings
Arrow shafts
Arrow fletchings
Divine Journey 2
Tools and weapons
Bow strings
Arrow shafts
Arrow fletchings
Dungeons, Dragons & Space Shuttles
Tools and weapons
Bow strings
Arrow shafts
Arrow fletchings
Tools and weapons
Bow strings
Arrow shafts
Arrow fletchings
Yoyos' bodies and axles
Yoyos' cords
Enigmatica 2 Expert
Tools and weapons
Bow strings
Arrow shafts
Arrow fletchings
Tools and weapons
Bow strings
Arrow shafts
Arrow fletchings
Forever Stranded
Tools and weapons
Arrow shafts
Arrow fletchings
FTB Presents Stoneblock 2
Tools and weapons
Bow strings
Arrow shafts
Arrow fletchings
Tools and weapons
Bow strings
Arrow shafts
Arrow fletchings
Material Energy^5: Entity
Tools and weapons
Bow strings
Arrow shafts
Arrow fletchings
MC Eternal
Tools and weapons
Bow strings
Arrow shafts
Arrow fletchings
Modern Skyblock 3
Tools and weapons
Bow strings
Arrow shafts
Arrow fletchings
Mystical Skies
Tools and weapons
Bow strings
Arrow shafts
Arrow fletchings
Project Ozone 3
Tools and weapons
Bow strings
Arrow shafts
Arrow fletchings
Ragnamod II Reborn
Tools and weapons
Bow strings
Arrow shafts
Arrow fletchings
Ragnamod V
Tools and weapons
Bow strings
Arrow shafts
Arrow fletchings
SevTech: Ages
Tools and weapons
Bow strings
Arrow shafts
Arrow fletchings
Yoyos' bodies and axles
Yoyos' cords
Sky Factory 4
Tools and weapons
Bow strings
Arrow shafts
Arrow fletchings
Yoyos' bodies and axles
Yoyos' cords
Tools and weapons
Bow strings
Arrow shafts
Arrow fletchings
Minecraft 1.16.5
Blackstone Block
Tools and weapons
Bow strings
Arrow fletchings
Create: Above and Beyond
FTB OceanBlock
MAnA Laboratories
Ragnamod VI
Skyfactory One
Stacia Expert
Minecraft 1.18.2
FTB StoneBlock 3
Chroma Endless 2
Melee and harvest
Create: Arcane Engineering
Melee and harvest
Project Sacrifice
Melee and harvest
Ragnamod VII
Melee and harvest
Minecraft 1.19.2
Stacia 2 Expert
Melee and harvest
Shield cores
1st generation
2nd generation
3rd generation
4th generation
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About this page
On this page you will find tables detailing all the characteristics of the materials that can be used with
Tinkers' Construct
in various modpacks.
The referenced modpacks are chosen according to a single criterion: if I have played it or I have seen a videographer playing it and I wanted to help them.
These tables are not intended to tell you what are the best materials for a particular part of such and such tool, because it's a choice that everyone must make by themselves depending on the modpack, their progress, goal and preferences.
The page is also not suitable for small screens (smartphones, tablets) and it never will be because it's necessary to have a global vision of the tables to easily extract information. And if you need these boards, it's because you're playing Java version of Minecraft, which is only available on PC, so you're bound to have one on hand.
If you spot any typos, don't hesitate to contact me at the following address:
; or via Discord:
How to use this page?
Start by selecting the modpack from the dropdown menu at the top, as well as the table from the submenus. If you can't find the modpack you're interested in, try to find one that features similar materials.
Oncie this is done, you can then:
hover over a trait name to see its description (note that there are no additional explanations compared to what is written in the book);
in another language, hover over a material name to see its name in english;
sort the columns by clicking on their header;
filter the list of materials according to your criteria: all the text of the line is taken into account, including the tooltips, you can use the character " | " (
) to filter by several expressions, and you can empty the field by right clicking it;
select rows: click on a row to highlight it, combine the click with the
keys to obtain different colors, click again to deselect it, and if you change for a table containing the same materials from the same mods then they will be highlighted too;
filter rows by their color: by uncheking some colored checkboxes in the filter "Show rows", rows selected with these colors will be hidden in the table.
You can also change the language at the top right. Only english and french are available, that is to say the "default" language of Minecraft and my mother tongue, and there are no plans to add any other because it is a fairly substantial work.
The last thing you can do is change the theme using the menu at the bottom right. If you are familiar with CSS and want me to add some, you can of course give me your suggestions!
NB: the theme "Sunshine" consumes a lot of CPU resources due to the sun's rays, it's there mostly for fun and I don't recommend leaving it on, especially if your modded Minecraft is running nearby!
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A cookie is used on this page to save your language choice in order to give you the page back in the same language on your next visit.
And... that's all. If you know of a Chinese who would be interested in purchasing this information, I am ready to open the auction at €1M.
And fuck GDPR.
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